Dont Talk to Me About Steven Universe Having Inconsistent Art



Sayin adieu to summer with Amethyst wearing something light…


Artists, producers, etc., y'all can't be selectively fat positive.

That means if you blueprint a fatty guy who kicks ass and isn't insulting, just your fatty women are either non-real or designed to look repulsive (or aren't just as empowering as your fat male person character), and so you aren't fat positive.

(Lookin' at you, Megas XLR…)

And along that same vein, if your fat ladies are all trigger-happy and fabulous, but your but representation for fatty men is to draw them equally petulant MRAs in fedoras, or as oafs or bigots, or calumniating people, you're non fat positive.

Calculation to that point- if your fat white female characters are all empowering and glorious, merely your fat blackness women are all loud, mean, "funny black woman" stereotypes, then congrats on calculation racism to your resume. Plunk that right adjacent to your lack of fat positivity, asshole.

Fat positivity is non FOR Y'all, AND But Y'all, NOR IS Information technology ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO Expect Similar YOU. Everyone has a body. Fat positivity tin can't do jack shit if you're only doing enough work to get what YOU desire out of it.


anybody: you demand more POC actors, fat actors, more than representation!!

director: *adds in one character that is POC, fat, trans, gay, etc. while everyone else in the show is skinny, white, and cis*

literally everyone: thats…. not what we meant…


Just don't exercise it. It has nothing to exercise with health and deep downwardly you lot even know that. If you cared and so much almost wellness, so why don't you make the Disney Princess take more boilerplate waist lines.


I hateful Jasmines mitt is bigger than her waist! That can't be good for you can it? No. It's most looks. What'due south why


She's then ofttimes drawn as skinny.


These bears are drawn skinny when humanized and sometimes even as bears.


I've even seen muscular humanized versions of this guy. Thankfully information technology's not that common but even so , that's pretty bad. They directly telephone call him fatty in the movie and they show how much fatty shaming can bear upon a person.

You lot're worth isn't determined by a number on the scale despite what well-nigh of media tells us. Why would someone destroy what niggling actually doesn't?

(via francoeur-amour-deactivated2017)




soz but "its ur art describe what u want!!!!!" does non fucking make whitewashing and fat erasure adequate who exercise you lot call up you lot are

(via margygur-deactivated20220426)


Tin nosotros please have a film where there is a fatty female character and everything surrounding that character has absolutely nothing to practice with their size? Can we have a fatty female person character that isn't the 'funny' i or the one that always falls over? Can we have a fatty female grapheme than is treated equally to sparse female characters?
Tin can we have a fatty female person graphic symbol which is treated like a valuable homo?




My brother cosplayed as Steven Universe today at WonderCon… Information technology was the best… People would chant "Cheesburger backpack!!! Cheeseburger backpack!!!" every time they saw him… Someone fifty-fifty shouted "I dear you Steven" as we were leaving…

also cute!!

(via ughworthy)


lamo okay but ppl complaining virtually how ppl get angry over skinny rose (fanart, not cosplays, its not a persons fault if they dont have the trunk type for a character) like, "why are u getting mad cause someone is drawing their headcanon???"

nah mate mind here,

a headcanon would be 'i think rose is into calligraphy'

it has non been proven nor disproven. its canon in ur head. that is what a headcanon is. something that hasnt been proven, but hasnt necessarily been disproven either, so u similar to consider it catechism in ur head.

skinny rose cannot be a 'headcanon' because rose is already F A T. she is,canonically, FAT. if annihilation skinny rose would take to exist an AU or something because rose is not skinny. she is a big giant beautiful adult female who everyone loves.

when u depict skinny rose u are choosing to ignore the fact that rose is f-a-t FAT, for whatever reason

it is not a headcanon

u are just refusing to acknowledge that a character u like is fat

if u desire skinny rose go make a skinnyrose!AU

considering rose is not skinny

at all

and i understand if u are a beginner artist and u dont know how to draw various body types good, but if u deliberately draw rose skinny, like u arent even trying to make her chubby, dont talk to me ever farewell

and pro tip: if u dont know how to draw fat ppl, cartoon rose is a great way to learn! u like her enough to draw her, continue drawing her, its great practice! and if anyone gives u shit cause she 'isnt fat enough' in ur drawing merely u were sincerely trying to make her fat i will defend u cause its difficult enough learning to draw """"normal"""" bodies and anatomy and proportions and stuff, body diversity is hard to learn, and at least youre trying

thank u for your time peace out

skinny rose drools, fat rose rules

(via curiouskuronamoved-deactivated2)


After a long time missing and lots of requests, I've finally decided to repost them: Chubmonsters!

Originally done for Halloween of 2014 in response to a lack of (fun/casual/nonfetishized) fat representation in monster girl art, it was later removed subsequently some legitimate criticism that the fact I'd used a template (for purposes of production speed) rendered the body-diversity message completely moot since they were all exactly the aforementioned type of fatty. If I exercise a second series this year, I'll forego the template (or work from 3 or four, instead of simply one) to help mitigate that problem.

Nevertheless! Even with their issues, a lot of people liked them and saw merit in them, so here they are once again.

No fetish blog reblogs please.


Fairy Mary. A rare, simply surprisingly crawly, case of Disney creating a good fat lady character.


please for the love of god if you lot're skinny don't cosplay fat characters

we get them so rarely delight let the states keep the few that manage to sideslip through

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