Funny Picture of a Weird Way to Drink Water

You know you need to drink water but it's easy to forget and difficult to be enthused. So, what do you do? Give up? Hook up some IV fluids? No need.

Drinking water doesn't have to be stressful or boring. There are a number of ways to make your newest healthy habit fun!

1. Sometimes cold water is nice. Sometimes it just isn't. Water doesn't have to be cold or even room temperature. Warm it up when you feel like it. Not only is it sometimes more enjoyable, but it can also aid in digestion, prevent constipation, and more!

2. If water is just WAY too boring for you, substitute it for some herbal tea. It's hydrating, tastes good, and depending on the herbs you use may have added health benefits. Herbal teas are good both hot and cold. Just try to avoid sweetening and for the best hydration, avoid caffeinated teas.

3. It's all too easy to forget your water at home or in the car, and it can be difficult to lug just any water container around with you all day. That's why it's important to make it easy and hands-free. There are a ton of water bottles made with a hook for a belt or bag, so hydration easier than ever before.

4. Sometimes it's all about pumping yourself up and getting excited about your new habit. Pick out a fun water bottle that suits your personality, a conversation starter, to make drinking water fun and cool.There are all kinds on the market today! Go check them out!

5. Thirsty people usually snack before they think to drink water. If you're a chronic snacker and have trouble drinking enough water, setting reminders on the fridge or snack cabinet may prove to be a very healthy habit for you. A nice side effect to this is that if you drink water, you may feel less of a need to snack afterward.

6. Your water bottle can be your greatest ally and tool. Mark times on your water bottle so that you know how much you should be drinking by a specific time. You can even write words of encouragement on the side to keep you smiling!

7. What do you look at more than just about anything else as you go about your day? If you're like most everybody else, it's probably your phone. Why not use that to your advantage? Set a reminder on your phone so every time you pick it up you're reminded to HYDRATE!!!

8. What's the first thing you reach for when your mouth is on fire because there was a surprise hot pepper in your supposedly mild Thai food? Probably water. If you can handle it, add some spice to your diet. You may find yourself drinking a lot more than usual.

9. There's nothing more irritating than being stuck in traffic. Driving is also dehydrating, especially in hot weather. On long trips, try to set reminders to have a drink of water every 20 minutes (15 minutes in warm weather). You'll feel more alert on the road and you'll snack less.

10. If you use a straw, you'll find yourself guzzling water much quicker than usual. Who knows why. Maybe it's because drinking water with a straw is more enjoyable. Maybe it's just easier.

11. Try using an app like waterlogged to track your water intake. People love seeing a visual representation of progress. It's encouraging to see as your goals are reached.

12. Add some excitement to your water by adding slices of fresh fruit, mint leaves, ginger, or other tasty herbs. It'll keep you from getting bored and it tastes great!

13. Who says that you can only get your water out of a glass? There are plenty of delicious foods out there that will help you drink more water and stay hydrated.  Add fruits and vegetables with a high water content to your grocery shopping list. Some top picks include cucumber (96% water), zucchini (95% water), watermelon (92% water), and grapefruit (91% water).


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